Children’s Ministry

At Grace Community Church, our goal is to see each child come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We strive to accomplish our goal by providing excellent, age-appropriate, Biblical teaching and in a warm loving environment.

Our Children’s ministry is comprised of the following areas:

Nursery Care:

Grace Community Church provides nursery care during Sunday School and the Worship Service. Our program is designed to lovingly care for little ones so their parents can participate in ministry opportunities.

Sunday School:

Grace Community Church provides classes for 3-year-olds up through High school. Classes begin at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday morning and run through 10:15 a.m., September - July. Adults using age-appropriate lessons seek to teach children about Jesus Christ through the unchangeable Word of God.

Children’s Church:

Each Sunday, Grace Community Church provides a separate worship service for our younger children, ages 4 to 3rd grade. The children are dismissed to their worship service, in the youth room, after the scripture reading.


Sunday School