Core Values- Who We Are


 Our Essence

Committed Discipleship

We are committed to “a long obedience in the same direction.” That is, we will never be content with our present level of sanctification, but will continually, passionately seek greater conformity to the image of Christ. Providing a growth climate for mature, wholehearted, fervent disciples of Christ will be at the core of our existence, as we teach, train, and equip that believers may grow in personal holiness. Col. 1:28-29, I Tim. 4:7, Ephesians 4:22-24


Intentional Evangelism

Proclaiming the “Good News” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a central congregational passion. Whether those of Boone County who have yet to find new life in Christ, or the unreached people groups of the world, we desire to be an outward-looking, kingdom-building, lost-reaching church. We will challenge each other to shine as lights to the world, will be a missionary supporting and sending agency, and will promote church planting as means to fulfill our commission. “Conversion growth” shall be one of our chief pleasures and ends. Matthew 5:13-16; 28:18-20

Vibrant Worship

We desire to be known for our vital, vibrant, God-centered worship “in spirit and in truth.” We will come as the hungry to a banquet table, gathering together to feast upon a vision of the reality of all that God is for us in Jesus (“truth”), and have our affections released to respond to that vision in a manner that ascribes to God the glory of His name (“spirit”). We will treasure, delight, savor and cherish God as our supreme Good. John 4:24, Psalm 27:1f

Our Community


Authentic Christianity

We want to be known as disciples who not only “talk the talk” but “walk the walk;” we will strive to make practical application of Scripture to our everyday lives. The cry of David, “Zeal for Your house consumes me,” and the single-hearted passion of Paul, “I consider all things loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ,” should be our constant experience. I John 3:18, Psalm 69:9, Matthew 11:12, Philippians 3:8-12, Titus 2:11-14, Romans 12:1-2


Congregational Diversity

Our goal is the ancient expression, “In the essentials, unity, in the non-essentials, charity, and in all things, love.” While we are committed to the essential, foundational truths of the Christian faith, we are open to a variety of opinions and expressions on other issues. We welcome all who seek after God, and desire to be known for the grace we extend to one another. I Tim. 1:3-7, II Tim. 2:23, Rom. 14:1-23


Heartfelt Compassion

We will be champions for the poor and outcast, and provide hope and comfort for the needy and hurting. Our desire is to minister to the needs of the whole person (spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational), as we learn what it means to “rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” We will follow after the model of our Savior; “A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish.” Isaiah 42:3

Congregational Ministry

We are committed to an “every member ministry,” since each has been uniquely gifted by God to be used of Him in a significant manner in our church. Those of all ages, backgrounds and experience will be trained and encouraged to find their place of service within the family of God. Eph. 4:11-16, I Corinthians 12:12-26, Romans 12:1-8

Dynamic Fellowship

Our hope is “Koinonia”- loving relationships, intimate fellowship, personal accountability, mutual care. As we humble ourselves before one another, bear each others’ burdens, and even gently admonish, correct and rebuke when necessary, we seek to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Phil. 2:1-11, Gal. 6:1-2, Eph. 4:3, Matt. 18:15-20


Our Leadership

Visionary Pastor

We expect our pastor(s) to lead, train, preach and teach the Word, cast the vision, and serve as an example of godliness before the congregation. We call them to a ministry of Word and prayer, equipping believers to do the work of ministry. Eph. 4:11-16, Acts 6:1-7, I Tim. 4:6-16, II Tim. 4:1-5

Godly Leadership

We willingly follow, pray for and support servant leadership. Our leaders will be chosen on the basis of the Biblical character, gifts and commitment for which such a position calls. We expect our elders to guide us in a manner modeled by Christ, and we grant them the authority to be used of God to direct us as together we follow Christ. I Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Matt. 20:28, Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4, Heb. 13:17

Our Methodology

Scripture Driven

The inerrant Word of God is our complete and final authority. All our goals, motivations, activities, programs and decisions will be in accordance with the Word of God, as we seek to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” We will love the Word, proclaim the Word, hold fast to the Word, and follow the Word. II Timothy 3:16-17


Utter Dependence

We recognize we can accomplish nothing of an eternal spiritual nature that comes from ourselves. We are utterly dependent upon God, for apart from Him we can do nothing. We will continually look to Him, seek after Him, wait upon Him, and place our hope in Him. To this end, fervent prayer will mark our every service, meeting, decision and ministry. I Cor. 1:26-2:5, Psalm 20:7, John 15:1-7, II Chronicles 20:12, I Corinthians 15:10

Contemporary Methodology

Our desire is to present the timeless truths of the Scripture in a manner relevant to the contemporary culture. This means that the forms, structures, programs, and style of ministry will change over time, as we continually seek fresh ways to make our ministries relevant and practical in the climate in which we live and to future generations. I Corinthians 9:19-23, Matthew 9:16-17